Sint Maarten – In Philispburg is het tweede kabinet Mercelina vandaag ingezworen door gouverneur Ajamu Baly.

De coalitie bestaat uit de fracties van Unified Resilient Sint Maarten Movement (URSM), Democratic Party (DP) en Party for Progress (PFP) met nieuwkomer Soualiga Action Movement (SAM) die met 9 van de 15 zetels een iets steviger draagvlak dan het kabinet Mercelina I. De ministersposten zijn als volgt verdeeld:
1. Mr. Luc F. E. Mercelina, Prime Minister and Minister of General Affairs;
2. Mr. Richenel S.J. Brug, Minister of Public Health, Social Development and Labour;
3. Ms. Nathalie M. Tackling, Minister of Justice;
4. Ms. Marinka J. Gumbs, Minister of Finance;
5. Mrs. Grisha S. Heyliger-Marten, Minister of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Transport and Telecommunication;
6. Mr. Patrice T. Gumbs, Minister of Public Housing, Spatial Planning, Environment and Infrastructure;
7. Ms. Melissa D. Gumbs, Minister of Education, Culture, Youth and Sports;
8. Ms. Gracita R. Arrindell, Minister Plenipotentiary.
“Cabinet Mercelina II appointed and sworn-in”

Today November 26, 2024, members of the incoming Council of Ministers Cabinet Mercelina II were appointed and sworn in by His Excellency the Governor of Sint Maarten, Mr. Ajamu G. Baly. Governor Baly gave the following speech:
Postulation day for the parliamentary elections of January 11th 2024, was November 22nd 2023. After the elections the government was sworn in on May 3rd, 2024. That government lost the majority support of Parliament on May 20th, 2024. As a result, snap elections were called and consequently held on August 19th, 2024. We today have just witnessed the oath-taking of the Council of Ministers who has the support of the majority of the members of Parliament that were sworn in as a result of the August 19th parliamentary elections on September 20th 2024.
As you can see and I am sure also agree, based on the sequence of events of the last year or so, St. Maarten is in need of care at this moment. The period aforementioned, so just over a year has been one of transitioning into an election period, elections, transitioning into the formation period, the formation, transitioning into elections for a second time, elections, transitioning into the formation period and now today the completion of yet another formation of government within one year. All of this undeniably taking government’s attention away from fully focusing on governing.
And that at a crucial time of recovering, along with the rest of the world, from the economic impact of a pandemic the likes of which the world hadn’t seen in over 100 years. And that on top of recovering from a catastrophic hurricane with the intensity and negative economic impact the likes of which St. Maarten had never seen before. Our country needs care at this moment.
You, Prime Minister, Ministers, Minister of Plenipotentiary, are the group that has been indirectly democratically chosen by the people of St. Maarten to give our country the care that it needs at this moment. I will repeat that sentence and then I will proceed to dissect it as well.
Prime Minister, Ministers, Minister of Plenipotentiary, you are the group that has been indirectly democratically chosen by the people of St. Maarten to give our country the care that it needs at this moment.
‘You are the Group’, not individuals so work as such do not operate as nor in silos, so do not take decisions without considering if and how it may affect another ministry.
‘Indirectly Democratically chosen by the people of St. Maarten’ you all have just taken the oath here today as Prime Minister, Minister, Minister of Plenipotentiary of your country because a majority in Parliament has of their free will and mandate put their trust in you.
A mandate that has been bestowed upon that majority in Parliament and Parliament in general, by all of the voters and all of the non voters of this country. Yes, non voters as well, because some think there are only consequences when you choose, vote, make a choice but alas, being complacent has its consequences as well. But I digress.
Back to dissecting and the main part. The needed care: Our finances are structurally running low and the pressure on our utilities is high;
There is an imbalance in the judicial chain and this is in part why justice, law and order are under threat and in need of urgent attention;
Our environment is a vital part of our very existence and is suffering from years of neglect and abuse;
Our infrastructure has been in critical condition for some time now;
Our tourism product is under threat from internal and external forces namely indecision and competition respectively;
The high cost of living has our people’s quality of life steadily dwindling;
And our future may be lost if we do not tackle the educational, social and economic ailments plaguing our youth.
Although politics always plays a hand in all that is going on, and although you all are politicians, you are a person first.
We in this country are a people of persons who care about our loved ones, our friends and family, our neighbours, each other. If you doubt what I am saying, just take a look at our history of Jollification.
So at this crucial moment in time, this moment of administering the needed aid. We need to see, hear and care for each other’s needs our country’s needs. Making the right decisions for all the people of this country and not being complacent about anything. Semper pro grediens, always progressing.
Prime Minister as you may have noticed, but if it has not been evident let me clearly say, I am aiming to speak your language. To your colleague ministers as well. The patient is in your care. We are counting on all of you in line with your oath, our democratic principles such as, but not limited to, good governance and the rule of law, to together as a team give the care needed via sound, cohesive, holistic and effective policy and in doing so keeping the patient in a stable condition for 4 long years.
Godspeed to all of you on this journey. Congratulations to the people of St. Maarten and congratulations to each and every one of you. May all of you be granted much wisdom and discernment in your task ahead. God bless you and your families and God bless our sweet St. Maarten land. I thank you.
Please join me as we raise our glasses in unison, serving as a sign of our common support of our newly installed council of ministers. Cheers!