Veel aandacht voor Caribisch deel Koninkrijk in SDG-rapportage

Den Haag – Veel aandacht is er voor de Caribische delen van het Koninkrijk in de rapportage van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden aan de Verenigde Naties over de voortgang die wordt gemaakt met het realiseren van duurzame ontwikkelingsdoelen, de SDGs:

Kingdom of the Netherlands – Main Messages of the Voluntary National Review of Progress Towards the Sustainable Development Goals 2022

Four countries, one Kingdom

The four countries of the Kingdom (Aruba, Curaçao, the Netherlands and St Maarten) collaborated

closely on the second Voluntary National Review. Significant contributions were also made by

stakeholders. Partnership is at the heart of our efforts to achieve the SDGs by 2030.

Assisted by the UN, Aruba and Curaçao have drafted national plans linked to the SDGs and to the

Multicountry Sustainable Development Framework for the region. St Maarten has linked its national

vision, aimed at resilience, capacity building and sustainable development, to the SDGs. The

Netherlands’ Plan of Action for national SDG implementation, evaluated in 2021, recommended

strengthening the link between policies and the SDGs by means of a national strategy. A major step

was the introduction in 2019 of an ‘SDG check’ of new policies, which includes an assessment of the

potential impact on developing countries. Progress has been made in the area of statistical monitoring.

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) annually publishes the Monitor of Wellbeing and the SDGs and will

from now on also publish a Monitor for the Caribbean islands of Bonaire, St Eustatius and Saba (part

of the Netherlands). Recently, Aruba and Curaçao have also expanded their sets of indicators.

A good basis, but efforts must be stepped up

The Kingdom is well placed to achieve the SDGs, although work remains to be done. Data show that

the European part of the Kingdom scores well on tackling inequality; decent work and economic

growth; innovation; strong institutions; education; and water management. Its biggest challenges are

biodiversity restoration and further accelerating the climate and energy transitions. The Caribbean part

of the Kingdom faces bigger challenges, while their resources and capacity are more limited. The

consequences of climate change, such as sea-level rise, biodiversity loss and extreme weather,

increase existing vulnerabilities and restrict economic opportunities, particularly in agriculture and


The SDGs demand a comprehensive approach. For this VNR, progress on the SDGs has therefore

been reviewed on the basis of six major entry points, as defined in the Global Sustainable

Development Report (2019). The resultant overall picture is that governments in the four countries

have formulated ambitious objectives on making the economy and the energy and food systems more

sustainable, while leaving no one behind. Human rights are the basis for the SDGs. Effectiveness can

be markedly improved by aiming for concrete targets, adopting a comprehensive approach, enhancing

policy coherence and scaling up innovative solutions. Further developing sustainable business models

is also crucial. For the countries in the Caribbean, investment in digitalisation and capacity is vital for

economic growth and resilient societies.

Voluntary Subnational and Local Reviews

More than a third of the municipalities and a number of provinces in the Netherlands have embraced

the SDGs. The Association of Netherlands Municipalities (VNG) has conducted a Voluntary

Subnational Review which will also be presented to the UN this year. The city of Amsterdam will

present its first Voluntary Local Review.

Involvement of society at large

There has been a sharp increase in the involvement of society in SDG-implementation in the

Kingdom. The platform ‘SDG Nederland’ now counts over 1,200 member organisations. The annual

report presented to Dutch parliament each year on SDG progress in the Netherlands is the result of a

collaborative effort by government, the business community and financial sector, NGOs, local

authorities, knowledge institutions, youth organisations and the Netherlands Institute for Human

Rights. Young people have amplified their voice and the government has adopted their suggestion for

a ‘generational impact assessment’. Stakeholders in Curaçao and Aruba are also involved in drafting

national development plans and VNRs. In Curaçao the national SDG committee encompasses

platforms for people, planet and prosperity, which bring government and stakeholders together. The

Aruban government, too, has worked actively and successfully in recent years to increase the

involvement of wider society – NGOs, academic institutions and the private sector. St Maarten has

launched an awareness campaign and held national dialogues to inform citizens on sustainable

development. Moreover, it added the SDGs to the educational curriculum.

The Kingdom has also contributed to SDG-development through its global partnerships and will

continue to do so.

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