CDA Statia kiest lijsttrekker

Sint Eustatius – De Statiaanse afdeling van het CDA kiest volgende week op haar eerste algemene ledenvergadering de lijsttrekker voor de eilandsraadsverkiezingen van maart 2023. Tevens wordt een bestuur van de afdeling en van de jongerenvleugel CDJA gekozen. Als gastspreker heeft het CDA Statia het Curaçaose Statenlid en oud-minister van Economische Ontwikkeling Giselle McWilliam weten te strikken.

Het CDA is de eerste landelijke partij met een lokale afdeling in Caribisch Nederland. Het initiatief daartoe werd vorig jaar genomen door Eilandsraadslid Koos Sneek en Sjahairah Fleming.

Giselle Mc William keynote speaker first CDA Statia General Meeting

CDA Statia is on the move. October 2021 it was announced that a local branch of the national party CDA (Christian Democratic appeal) was established here on St. Eustatius with combined efforts of Councilman Koos Sneek and Ms. Sjahairah Fleming. Since then, CDA Statia has been active and working diligently. We are proud to announce that on Saturday March 26th 2022, CDA Statia will be hosting our first General Assembly meeting.

The meeting will be taking place at the Suares Building in Princess Garden from 7pm – 10pm. All members, those who are interested in becoming a member and anyone else who is interested in CDA Statia are invited to join for an interesting and informative meeting. On the agenda, as keynote speaker, we are very excited to have Ms. Giselle Mc William who is a member of parliament on Curacao to come and help motivate our young and potential leaders of Statia. There will be a presentation by Ms. Sjahairah Fleming, “What is CDA”, where she will explain the ideology and the principles of the CDA Party. There will also be a presentation by Mr. Koos Sneek, where he will explain the reasons how and why we became a branch of a national party and what it means to be CDA Statia. There will be the election of the CDA Statia board and also the CDJA Statia Board, which is the Youth Wing of the political party. Followed with a presentation by the president of the CDJA Statia. The party leader will then be elected and who will then lay out the plans for the future. There will be an open floor to ask questions. And of course, there will be the possibility to become a member. For CDA Statia this is an exciting moment where our team will be presented to the entire community and when we start our journey to the elections in March 2023 and beyond.

CDA Statia will be a movement to bring change to our community because we do realize that the island is facing many challenges and we have a big and important job to do. It is our intention to bring along new and innovative ideas of how to run a political party, a government and our island in ways that you have not experienced before. We are ready to present our “Breath of fresh air”, a new beginning, a new way of thinking and a new way of handling the people’s business. For quite some time our community has been seeking a change in the political arena with a new generation, new ideas and a modern professional way of governance. CDA Statia has the faith and hope to be that change.

So be informed and see you Saturday evening March 26th. We start at 7PM. It would be a pleasure to have you be a part of our First General Assembly Meeting.

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