CDA als eerste landelijke partij met een eigen afdeling in Caribisch Nederland

Den Haag – Het CDA doet bij de eilandsraadsverkiezingen van maart 2023 mee in de bijzondere gemeente Sint Eustatius. Vandaag werd bekend dat op het 3.000 zielen tellende eiland een lokale afdeling van het christendemocraten is opgericht.

Het gaat om een initiatief van Eilandsraadslid Koos Sneek en Sjahairah Fleming die daarbij steun hebben gekregen van interim-voorzitter van het CDA (en oud regeringscommissaris van Statia) Marnix van Rij. Inmiddels hebben zich een tiental, vooral jongere Statianen bij de afdeling aangesloten. In december wordt een eerste ledenvergadering gehouden.

Sneek die eerder dit jaar als lijstduwer op de kandidatenlijst van het CDA voor de Tweede Kamer stond, verwacht op het gebied van kennis, vorming en invloed veel baat te hebben bij de band met een landelijke partij, zo blijkt uit onderstaand persbericht. Het CDA is de eerste met een afdeling in het Caribisch deel van het Koninkrijk.

Establishment local CDA branch on Statia

By Island Council member Koos Sneek

It gives me great pleasure to announce that we have recently received the approval by the national board of the Christian Democratic Party in The Netherlands for the establishment of a local branch of the CDA on St. Eustatius. This initiative is the combined effort of Ms. Sjahairah Fleming and myself. We both believe that the moment is here for a fresh initiative in the political spectrum on Statia. For this purpose, we have chosen to become a branch of a national party, in our case the CDA, because we believe that to achieve what we want for Statia, direct ties with a national party offers a better way to success. It not only gives us a better ear and access to politicians and decision makers in parliament and the national government in The Hague, but it also opens the door to cooperation with CDA branches and municipalities on a local level. Besides this, it allows us access to a vast amount of information and knowledge through the CDA library and the many training options through the CDA Steenkampinstituut. The latter gives us the opportunity to produce better quality politicians, potential island council members and commissioners.

CDA Statia has started small with just ten, mainly young members, but it is our intention to expand our membership in the coming months. In December the party will be holding our first general membership meeting when it is the intention to confirm Ms. Sjahairah Fleming officially as the party leader. Her first job will be to lead the party into the next island council elections which will take place in March 2023.

We do realize that we have a job to do and that the island is facing many challenges. To achieve our goals our party is inviting especially young people to join us and to bring along new and innovative ideas of how to run a party, a government and an island.

I take this opportunity to firstly thank Mr. Sybrand Buma, the former leader of the CDA party, who introduced me to the party in 2016. I also want to thank Mr. Marnix van Rij, who as interim chairman of the party has assisted us to start CDA Statia. And of course, I want to thank Sjahairah Fleming for taking up the challenge, because ultimately, she is the one to make the difference. I have all confidence in her!

Statement by Ms. Sjahairah Fleming

For quite some time our community have been seeking a change in the political arena with a new generation, new ideas and a modern professional way of governance.

Today I am proudly introducing “A breath of fresh air” A new beginning, a new way of thinking and new way of handling the people’s business. My name is Sjahairah Fleming, a 33-year-old single mother of two, a part-time teacher, entrepreneur and faction support for councilman Koos Sneek. There is no force more powerful than a woman determined to rise.

Having the opportunity to be faction support for the past 6 months has enabled me to see things from a different perspective and has taught me what it takes to be a true leader.
The world has been brimming with ambitious political leaders, but sadly very few match-up to the traits of good leadership. In fact, many political leaders appear to be lacking in some of the most essential qualities of a good leader, such as integrity and accountability. Political leadership requires a leader to focus on our island long-term betterment above and beyond any short-term personal gains.

Strong leadership requires a mixture of charm and honesty and the capacity to evaluate a circumstance and make a judgement based on what will be better for the majority. Above all, leadership in a democratic system needs statesmanship as compared to just becoming a ‘’politician” which implies, possessing the honesty and ability to stand up for what is fair even though it could mean resigning a government post or losing an election. As we slowly get our democracy back, it is now time to safeguard the things that makes democracy strong, such as the respect for difference of opinions and difference of views

As a young energetic, talented and hardworking woman of action, I am prepared to become the first party leader of CDA St. Eustatius and make a change for you and the future generation with the support of CDA Nederland

My focus is the high cost of living, improving our current medical system, our youth along with their educational system and mainly to work towards a self-sustainable Statia to name a few

It is my goal to create a team of young vibrant professionals with expertise in many sectors. Mainly a trustworthy team that consists of honesty, integrity, loyalty and confidentiality. A team of strategic and critical thinkers. A team with a vision and a mission. A team of pure positive vibes.

I would like to first thank the Most High for always showing up and showing out for me. Thank you to Mr. Koos Sneek for the trust, the confidence and for believing in me from the very beginning even when I doubted myself. I am very grateful to you for moulding me to become a leader that is strong and transparent, getting me ready to work for the people of Statia. I would also like to thank the democratic party for giving me the opportunity to start my political career under their wings, especially my father, president of the democratic party for giving me his blessings to continue on my political venture and also a big thank you to the people of Statia for your encouragement and support. Lastly, I will like to thank the CDA for making this unique step and putting themselves in the position to show support where necessary and needed.

The time has come for a “Breath of Fresh Air’’. CDA Nederland, this is your time to show up or show out! Together, let us do the right thing for the people of Statia!

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